The Mark of the Beast: The Final Resistance

Our greatest contribution to the whole subject of Bible prophecy is just that we have the solution to the Mark of the Beast. Not an easy one, to be sure, but the only one that will see us through all that lies ahead. It is to be found only in obedience to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

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Wednesday Feb 19, 2020

If you have the Mark of the Beast (666) you will function normally within society, but without the #MarkOfTheBeast you will be considered illegal. This episode considers the implications of being "illegals" for the sake of Christ and rejecting the Mark fo the Beast.

Wednesday Feb 12, 2020

The Huduma card being introduced in Kenya has serious implications with regard to the Mark of the Beast. This video looks more closely at the connection between the Kenyan Huduma number card and the Mark of the beast.

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020

The Bible seems to talk about two different groups of believers in the end times. On the one hand 144,000 believers seem to be protected during the Great Tribulation. On the other, the Book of Revelation also describes a great multitude without number that "comes out of the great tribulation" and who appear to be killed during that time.

Friday Jan 31, 2020

Microchip implants are becoming more common now, even though for many years people did not believe that one day RFID chips would be implanted in people. Even when radio frequency I.D. has become more commonplace, people argue technicalities on what is and is not the final Mark of Revelation 13.

Wednesday Jan 22, 2020

"5 Tips to Avoid The Mark of the Beast" is a concise preppers' guide to refusing the Mark of the Beast (666) predicted in the Book of Revelation. From learning how to hear from God, to tapping into supernatural provision through having the right attitude, this video identifies key survival skills many apocalyptic survivalist experts fail to discuss. These five tips are essential tools for the end times.

Wednesday Jan 15, 2020

The Mark of the Beast will be the greatest temptation human beings have faced so far. The Revelation says that nobody will be able to buy or sell without that Mark. However, many people do not give much thought to what it will take to resist the temptation to accept that Mark.

Wednesday Jan 08, 2020

Chinese facial recognition technology and surveillance system has created a Chinese social credit system that keeps track of a billion citizens through millions of cameras processed through artificial intelligence algorithms.

Wednesday Jan 01, 2020

Biometric identification systems are being introduced around the world, in an effort to fulfill the United Nations' 2030 sustainable development goals. In this podcast, we explore the connection between biometric identification and the Mark of the Beast prophecy, which states that a time will come when nobody will be able to buy or sell without some kind of mark on their right hand or forehead.

Tuesday Dec 24, 2019

Bitcoin and blockchain have been touted as the future of money, all the while the Bitcoin mystery is still unresolved: Who is Satoshi Nakamoto? Could bitcoin, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology be setting us up for the Mark of the Beast?

Wednesday Dec 18, 2019

Quantum computing and Artificial Intelligence are issues that will affect the lives of everyone on the planet as it starts being used in conjunction with a mark of the beast system. With Quantum computers and AI, scientists and governments can do incredible computations which had not been possible before. Quantum computers are an important piece of the puzzle in understanding how the Mark of the Beast prophecy, written 2000 years ago can be implemented within our lifetime.

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